Introducing Our New Furry Friend!

Hey dog lovers! We have exciting news to share! After losing our beloved lab, Trigger, we're thrilled to welcome a new member to our pack! Meet Teddy - AKC Remington Theodore!

He has stolen our hearts with his wagging puff ball tail and playful spirit. Our Remington (Remy) couldn't be happier to have a new playmate by her side.

Thanks for your love and support! Join us on this journey as we create unforgettable memories with our furry family. Stay tuned for adorable updates and adventures!

With love and wagging tails, Kimberly & Tom

Why Adopt a Dog? Here's Why!

Considering adding a dog to your family? Here are some reasons why adoption is a great choice:

Unconditional Love Companionship Health Benefits Improved Mental Well-being Teach Responsibility Rescue a Life A Sense of Purpose Increased Social Interactions Teach Kids Empathy

Unending Joy

Adopting a dog brings love, joy, and a sense of purpose to your life. Plus, you're giving a deserving soul a second chance. Join the adoption movement and experience the incredible bond with a furry friend!

#AdoptDontShop #RescueDog #DogLove